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Hie-ónger 'n lies van waat ich zoeë-al inne loup vanne jaore aan publicaties op miene naam höb sjtaon. Ich höb óm de lies neet al te lank te make de mieër es zèshóngerd columns inne gezèt, de waekblajer van 1locaal en de colums die ich veur get anger tiedsjrifte (zoeë wie nogal get vastelaovesgezètte) mer weggelaote.
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De publicaties in blauw zeen allemaol medisch en gesjreve ónger Jan Schuren, die in 't wit in 't Limburgs en den natuurlik ónger de naam Jan Sjure. Det waat g'r in 't gael zeetj staon, is es book oetgegaove.

  1. Schuren J.
    Het ongepolsterde Cellamin/Dynacast verband: "een watervaste combinatie".
    Tijdschrift NVG 1986; 10(3): 87-90.

  2. Schuren J.
    Poliomyelitis in Kananga, Zaire.
    Tijdschrift NVG 1988; 12(4): 119-152.

  3. Schuren J.
    Working with Soft Cast: a manual on semi-rigid immobilisation.
    (in 14 tale oetgegaeve).
    IF Publication Services, Düsseldorf 1994.
    (de Ingelse oetgaaf is nag te koup veur € 19,95, verzendkoste € 4,75).

  4. Schuren J.
    A semi-rigid bandage for the functional immobilisation of ankle ligament injuries.
    Klinik Magazin Sonderheft 1995: 43-45.

  5. Schuren J.
    A removable Soft Cast cylinder.
    Klinik Magazin 1996: 12: 57-58.

  6. Schuren J, Latta LL, Milne EJ, Corona J, Sarmiento A, Zych GA.
    In vitro evaluation of stability provided to a closed tibial fracture in cadaver legs, comparing rigid bracing methods to a Soft Cast/combicast brace.
    AAOS 66th Annual Mtg Proc 1998: 199.

  7. Latta LL, Schuren J, Corona J, Milne EL, Sarmiento A, Zych GA.
    Soft vs. hard cast materials for functional fracture management of tibial shaft fractures: in vitro fracture stability.
    J Bone Joint Surg Orthop Trans 1998; 22: 298.

  8. Schuren J, Milne EL, Zych GA, Latta LL.
    The stability and rigidity of ankle fracture control in soft casts: a biomechanical study in cadavers.
    Trans 45th Annual Mtg Orthop Res Soc 1999; 263.

  9. Schuren J, Latta LL, Milne EJ, Corona J, Sarmiento A, Zych GA.
    Biomechanical effects of standard casting methods compared to a Soft Cast combicast in the treatment of unstable ankle fractures in cadaver legs.
    AAOS: 66th Annual Mtg Proc 1999: 96-98.

  10. Herzig S, Müller J, Schuren J.
    A comparative study of the number of replacements required and application times for synthetic casts, combicasts and plaster-of-Paris casts.
    J Orthop Nursing 1999: 3: 193-196.

  11. White R, Schuren J, Wardlaw D, Diamandopoulos Z, Anderson R.
    Biomechanical assessment of gait in below knee walking casts.
    Prosth Orthot Int 1999: 23: 142-151.

  12. Schuren J (ed).
    Working with Soft Cast: symposia proceedings.
    2000: Rehms Druck Borken.
    (neet mieër leverbaar).

  13. Schuren J (ed).
    Working with Soft Cast: evidence based fracture care.
    2000: Rehms Druck Borken.
    (neet mieër leverbaar).

  14. Schuren J.
    Evidence-based fracture care.
    In: Schuren J (ed). Working with Soft Cast: evidence-based fracture care.
    2000: Rehms Druck Borken: 23-31.

  15. Schuren J.
    Is the routine use of operative repair of closed displaced ankle fractures justified?
    In: Schuren J (ed). Working with Soft Cast: evidence-based fracture care. 2000: Rehms Druck Borken: 32-37.

  16. Schuren J.
    Functional bracing of upper limb fractures with Soft Cast.
    In: Schuren J (ed). Working with Soft Cast: evidence-based fracture care. 2000: Rehms Druck Borken: 67-70.

  17. Schuren J.
    Functional fracture treatment with Soft Cast combicasts.
    In: Schuren J (ed). Working with Soft Cast: evidence-based fracture care. 2000: Rehms Druck Borken: 77-79.

  18. Rodt A, Schuren J, Wisnes A, Hordvik M.
    The effects of immobilisation in short leg walking casts: Soft Cast combicasts vs traditional rigid casts in healthy volunteers.
    In: Schuren J (ed). Working with Soft Cast: evidence-based fracture care. 2000: Rehms Druck Borken: 83-84.

  19. Schuren J.
    The chronic wound: where is the evidence?
    MedReport 2002: 26(14): 12.

  20. Schuren J.
    The chronic wound: where is the evidence?
    J Wound Healing 2002: 3: 71.

  21. Schuren J.
    Evidence based fracture care: has this led to improved patient outcomes?
    Proceedings ETRS focus meeting, 2002.

  22. Schuren J.
    The challenges of using non-randomised research in systematic reviews and meta-analyses: the acute humeral shaft fracture.
    MSc Thesis. University of Oxford, 2002.

  23. White R, Schuren J, Konn D.
    Semi-rigid vs rigid glass fibre casting: a biomechanical assessment.
    Clinical Biomechanics 2003; 18: 19-27.

  24. Schuren J, Spruit P, Prešeren M.
    Total-contact casting for diabetic foot ulcers.
    In: Urbancic-Rovan V, Koselj M. (eds). Oskrba Diabeticnega Stopola. 2003; Izdano v Ljubljani: 125-132.

  25. Schuren J.
    The acute humeral shaft fracture: non-randomised evidence.
    Proceedings evidence-based fracture care congres: Delft, April 2004.

  26. Issberner K, Schuren J.
    A comparative study of the skin protective performance of five barrier films.
    3M Publication 2004.

  27. Schuren J.
    3M™ Cavilon™ no sting barrier film for peri-wound protection: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
    Proceedings World Congres of Wound Care: Paris, July 2004.

  28. Sjure J.
    Druimentaere: 'ne waekelikse column euver de meis oeteinloupendje óngerwerpe.
    De Limburger: december 2004 - mei 2016.
    vanaaf oktoeëber 2016 - december 2017, twieëwaekeliks in 'n aantal oetgaves van 1Lokaal.
  29. Schuren J, Becker A, Sibbald G.
    3M™ Cavilon™ no sting barrier film for peri-wound protection: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
    Int Wound Journal 2005; 2(3): 230-238.

  30. Bliss D, Zehrer C, Savik K, Ding L, Hedblom E, Schuren J.
    An economic evaluation of skin damage prevention regimens among nursing home residents with incontinence: product and labor costs.
    MHP Verlag GmbH Wiesbaden. Symposium proceedings DGfW/EWMA/ETRS congress; Stuttgart, 2005: 121-122.

  31. Schuren J.
    3M™ Cavilon™ no sting barrier film for incontinence care: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
    Proceedings DGfW/EWMA/ETRS congress: Stuttgart, 2005.

  32. Sjure J.
    Einen apaarten aovendj.
    Roerstreek 2005; 39: 167-170.
  33. Schuren J, Mohr K.
    Sub-bandage pressures: the Laplace law revisited.
    3M Publication 2006.

  34. Schuren J, Mohr K.
    The 3M™ Coban™ 2 Layer Compression System: sub-bandage pressures at reduced tension.
    3M Publication 2006.

  35. Schuren J, Collier M.
    Ease of use and reproducibility of provided pressures, comparing 3M Coban 2 Layer Compression System with four currently marketed compression systems.
    3M Publication 2006.

  36. Schuren J.
    Sub-bandage pressures: the Laplace law revisited.
    Proceedings Wounds UK 2006 conference: Harrogate UK, 2006.

  37. Schuren J, Partsch H.
    Compression therapy: the how and why.
    Proceedings EWMA congress: Glasgow 2007.

  38. Sjure J.
    Bang det ich wakker waer.
    In: Custers T (ed). Aope deure: 't verhaol. Marlstone BV, Bunde 2007: 2-3.
  39. Sjure J.
    In: Custers T (ed). Aope deure: 't verhaol. Marlstone BV, Bunde 2007: 4-5.
  40. Collier M, Schuren J.
    Ease of use and reproducibility of five compression systems.
    J Wound Care 2007; 16(3M Supplement): 8-10.

  41. Partsch H, Clark M, Mosti G, Steinlechner E, Schuren J, Abel M, Benigni JP, Coleridge-Smith P, Cornu-Thénard A, Flour M, Hutchinson J, Gamble J, Issberner K, Juenger M, Moffatt C, Neumann HA, Rabe E, Uhl JF, Zimmet S.
    Classification of compression bandages: practical aspects.
    Dermatol Surg 2008; 34: 600-609.

  42. Schuren J.
    Sub-bandage pressures: the physics of compression therapy.
    Proceedings EWMA congress: Lissabon 2008: 74.

  43. Schuren J, Mohr K.
    The efficacy of Laplace's equation in calculating bandage pressure in venous leg ulcers.
    Wounds UK 2008; 4(2): 38-47.

  44. Sjure J.
    Limburgs sjrieve.
    In: Kuipers W (ed). Platbook 1: columns. Uitgeverij TIC, Maastricht 2008: 42-43.
  45. Sjure J.
    In: Kuipers W (ed). Platbook 1: columns. Uitgeverij TIC, Maastricht 2008: 44-45.
  46. Partsch H, Flour M, Coleridge Smith P, Benigni JP, Cornu-Thénard A, Delis K, Gniadecka M, Mariani F, Mosti G, Neumann HAM, Rabe E, Uhl F, Benhamou AC, Brandjes D, Cavezzi A, Clark M, Schuren J.
    Indications for compression therapy in venous and lymphatic disease: consensus based on experimental data and scientific evidence.
    Int Angiol 2008; 27(3): 193-219.

  47. Schuren J, Mohr K.
    De dynamiek van compressietherapie: de wetten van Laplace en Pascal.
    WCS 2009; 25(3): 20-25.

  48. Sjure J.
    Tante Betje.
    Roerstreek 2010; 42: 125-128.
  49. Schuren J, Vos A.
    Reproducibility of sub-bandage resting and working pressures when reduced pressure is required.
    Proceedings EWMA congress: EWMA 2010:193.

  50. Schuren J, Andreas C.
    Pressure and slippage during 48 hours of compression therapy: a study on healthy volunteers.
    SAWC Spring 2010 Abstract Book: S36.

  51. Schuren J.
    Venous leg ulcer patients with low ABPI's: how much pressure is safe and can be tolerated?
    Proceedings EWMA congress: EWMA 2010: 41.

  52. Tucker J, Schuren J, Andreas C.
    Pressure and slippage during 48 hours of compression therapy: a study on healthy volunteers.
    Proceedings WOCN-WCET joint conference 2010: 47.

  53. Partsch H, Stout N, Forner-Cordero I, Flour M, Moffatt C, Szuba A, Milic D, Szolnoky G, Brorson H, Abel M, Schuren J, Schingale F, Vignes S, Piller N, Döller W.
    Clinical trials needed to evaluate compression therapy in breast cancer related lymphedema (BCRL): proposals from an expert group.
    Int Angiol 2010; 29: 442-453.

  54. Schuren J, Mohr K.
    Pascal's law and the dynamics of compression therapy: a study on healthy volunteers.
    Int Angiol 2010; 29: 431-435.

  55. Schuren J, Vos A, Allen J.
    Venous leg ulcer patients with low ABPI's: how much pressure is safe and can be tolerated?
    EWMA Journal 2010; 10(3): 29-34.

  56. Schuren J.
    Compression unravelled.
    Margreff Druck GmbH, Essen Germany: 2011 - ISBN 978-30 00 3665 43.
    (te koup veur € 29,95, verzendkoste € 4,75).

  57. Flour M, Clark M, Partsch H, Mosti G, Uhl JF, Chauveau M, Cros F, Gelade P, Bender D, Andriessen A, Schuren J, Cornu-Thenard A, Arkans E, Millic D, Benigni JP, Damstra R, Szolnoky G, Schingale F.
    Dogmas and controversies in compression therapy.
    International Wound Journal 2013; 10(5): 516-526.

  58. Schuren J.
    Compressie therapie: de effecten van polstering.
    Oedeminus 2012; 15(2): 21-24.

  59. Schuren J.
    Optimising compression bandaging.
    In: Glover D (ed). Compression therapy: a position document on compression bandaging.
    The International Lymphoedema Framework, London UK 2012: 23-30.

  60. Sjure J.
    'ne Ónbekindje Linner sjriever.
    Roerstreek 2012; 44: 79-84.
  61. Schuren J.
    Compressie therapie: de effecten van polstering.
    Oedeminus 2012; 15(3): 13.

  62. Schuren J.
    Compressie vanuit nieuw perspectief.
    Proceedings NVFL-NVH Lymfologie congres 2012: 10-11.

  63. Schuren J, Bernatchez S, Tucker J, Schnobrich E, Parks P.
    3M™ Coban™ 2 layer compression therapy: intelligent compression dynamics to suit different patient needs.
    Adv Wound Care 2012; 1(6): 255-288.

  64. Jünger M, Haase H, Schwenke L, Bichel J, Schuren J, Ladwig A.
    Macro- and microperfusion during application of a new compression system, designed for patients with leg ulcer and concomitant peripheral arterial occlusive disease.
    Clin Hemorheol Microcirc 2013; 53(3): 281-293.

  65. Schuren J, Bichel J.
    Sub-bandage dynamics: stiffness unravelled.
    Veins and Lymphatics 2013; 2(e2): 3-6.

  66. Sjure J.
    De reis van häör laeve.
    In: Schoenmakers T (ed). Platbook 10: reisverhaole en gedichte. Uitgeverij TIC,Maastricht 2013: 74-75.
  67. Sjure J.
    Krenkdjes, kwaole en kwäölkes inne Roersjtreek.
    Roerstreek 2013; 45: 73-79.
  68. Sjure J.
    Ich woor twelf.
    In: Op de Coul H (ed). Platbook 12: twelf. Uitgeverij TIC, Maastricht 2014: 26-27.
  69. Schuren J.
    In vitro measurements of compression bandages and bandage systems: a review of existing methods and recommendations for improvement.
    Veins and Lymphatics 2014; 3(e2): 29-35.
  70. Sjure J.
    Druimentaere. boek, 2014 - ISBN 978-94 62 5462 64.
    (te koup veur € 29,95, verzendkoste € 6,70).

  71. Ladwig A, Haase H, Bichel J, Schuren J, Jünger M.
    Compression therapy of leg ulcers with PAOD.
    Phlebology 2014; 29(S1): 7-12.

  72. Sjure J.
    Mien sjtraot.
    Roerstreek, 2014; 46: 37-44.
  73. Sjure J.
    't Limburgse gerundium.
    Veldeke Jaarboek, 2014: 47-62.
  74. Mosti G, Partsch H, Schuren J.
    Letter to the editor; in response to: Thomas S. Practical limitations of two devices for sub-bandage pressure measurement. J Wound Care 2014; 23(6): 300-315.
    J Wound Care 2015; 24(3): 157-158.

  75. Sjure J.
    In: Oomen-Ruijten R (ed). Platbook 14: Grenze. Uitgeverij TIC, Maastricht 2015; 23-24.
  76. Schuren J.
    May arterial or mixed ulcers be compressed?
    Proceedings XIII Congresso Nazionale Associazione Italiana Ulcere Cutanee: Bari, Italy; 2015: 31-32.

  77. Sjure J.
    Roersjtreekse klanke op papier.
    Roerstreek, 2015; 47: 147-158.
  78. Sjure J.
    Limburgs lieëre.
    In: Eggels E. (ed). Platbook 15: (aaf)liere. Uitgeverij TIC, Maastricht 2015: 28-29.
  79. Schuren J.
    The challenges of using non-randomised evidence. boek, 2016 - ISBN 978 94 63 1859 98.
    (te koup veur € 24,95, verzendkoste € 4,75, levertied óngevieër 2 waeke).

  80. Mosti G, Partsch H, Schuren J.
    Letters; letter to Kravitz et al. on methods for studying the pressure applied by compression fabrics.
    J Wound Care 2016; 25(S4): S24-S26.

  81. Partsch H, Schuren J, Mosti G, Benigni JP.
    The static stiffness index (SSI): an important parameter to characterise compression therapy in vivo.
    J Wound Care 2016; 25(S9): S4-S10.
  82. Sjure J.
    Limburgs: wie sjriefs se det? boek, 2017 - ISBN 978 94 63 4285 52.
    (te koup veur € 29,95, verzendkoste € 4,75).

  83. Sjure J.
    Druimentaere 2 & anger sjrieverieje. boek, 2018 - ISBN 978 94 63 4222 91.
    (te koup veur € 19,95, verzendkoste € 4,75).

  84. Schuren J.
    Compression stockings after deep vein thrombosis: where is the evidence?
    Veins and Lymphatics 2018; 7(7636): 83-84.

  85. Sjure J.
    De Feeter. boek, 2019 - ISBN 978 94 63 8609 56.
    (te koup veur € 34,95, verzendkoste € 6,75).

  86. Sjure J.
    De taal van Lin... ónger ós gezag en gezjwege. boek, 2021 - ISBN 978 94 03 6090 89.
    (te koup veur € 49,95, verzendkoste € 6,75).
  87. Bot R, Schuren J. Damstra R.
    In: Verdonk HPM, Devoogd N, Damstra RJ. (red.). Oedeem en oedeemtherapie.
    2021: Bohn, Stafleu, van Loghum, Houten: 129-134.

  88. Schuren J.
    Effecten van polstering.
    In: Verdonk HPM, Devoogd N, Damstra RJ. (red.). Oedeem en oedeemtherapie.
    2021: Bohn, Stafleu, van Loghum, Houten: 134-139.